The anger-guilt trap

and how to start breaking the cycle


When we become Mothers we step into the cultural arena of Motherhood.

Think of it like stepping out into a field.

When we're on the field, there are certain ‘rules’ of play about what it means to be a good Mother.

Anger is not part of the rulebook.

But here is the problem - Anger is part of our experience as human beings.

By excluding ‘anger’ from what is acceptable for us to feel and express in Motherhood, we are funneled into an ‘anger-guilt’ trap.

Whenever we feel or express anger, we then feel guilty.

Guilt can then contributes to more feelings of anger (I explain how and why in the training) - and around we go in this toxic cycle.



Here is how we start to break the anger-guilt trap:

  1. Understand the distinction between the feeling of anger and expression of anger

  2. Understand how and why Motherhood exists socially

  3. Get to know what the ‘rules’ of good Motherhood are so we can ‘spot them’ when they show up for us

  4. Recognise how the ‘anger-guilt’ trap is an inevitable cycle we fall into when we live by the rules of the good Mother

  5. Start to challenge what rules we want to live by, and what ones we want to rebel against

  6. Learn ways to interrupt the ‘anger-guilt’ trap

  7. Express our anger in a healthy way, and explore how to use anger as our tool for growth

want to dive deeper?


If you work with Mothers -
The Motherhood Studies Practitioner Certification

If you would like to deepen your understanding of maternal anger in order to better support Mothers, join this one-of-a-kind online course, that offers you trainings, community, resources, and step-by-step guides for understanding and implementing Motherhood Studies content.


Join self-study online course -
BLOOM: Growing Through Maternal Anger

A self-study online course that is designed to lift the lid on maternal anger and offer you resources for inspired action and empowered change.


Anger can be both normal, and a feature of a postnatal mood disorder such as postnatal depression or anxiety, please contact a health professional if you feel overwhelmed by maternal anger or rage.

Bloom: Growing through maternal anger

  • short video trainings

    Modern mothers are often time poor and bombarded with an overload of information. So the trainings in this course are designed to be condensed and watched in short intervals - content is approx 3.5 hrs in total length.

  • Action & Reflection Prompts

    Learning new information is one thing, and implementing it is another. Each module of the course contains ‘action items’ to encourage you to put changes these into practice and apply them to your own life.

  • No Misleading Promises

    This is not a course that promises you’ll never yell again or experience anger. Such claims are misleading and only contribute to more pressure, guilt and anger! Anger is your information and fuel for growth.

7 video trainings

The roots of our anger as mothers

The functioning of our anger as mothers

The functioning of anger for our children

Anger as information – triggers and boundaries

Taking action – creating your toolkit

Worthiness, guilt, and good enough mothering

Anger as a catalyst for growth



“I have completed many self help courses looking for the way to be the best Mum and curb the angry Mum. None have worked. I now realise this is because all of them just added to my load. But I have learnt so much from this course.

Just tonight… I was triggered by my kids not going to sleep.. usually I would have blown my top. But I could gather myself. Over and over I found composure.”

“I feel so incredibly empowered and in control, but weirdly also a sense of no control, of ease and calm.. I haven’t felt this empowered and in tune with myself for ages, so thank you.”

“I just completed your BLOOM program and wanted to say thank you! I absolutely loved the training – you deliver content in such an engaging and passionate way, and I found it so valuable on both a personal and professional level [as a psychologist].”

Enrol in Bloom now for immediate access

$144 AUD

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