Enhance or develop your motherhood course or training with expert guidance from Dr Sophie Brock

For those who work in mother-support, developing courses, trainings, and programs for mothers

What stage are you at?

  • Planning stage

    I'm in the developing/planning stage of my course or program.

    Are you in the early stages of creating a course, program, webinar, or training for mothers?

    Do you feel overwhelmed with where to start, what to include, how to structure your content, and how to deliver and sequence your course or program?

    Would you like to feel more confident in your content, teaching, and offerings?

  • reviewing stage

    I've already developed or delivered my course or program.

    Do you want to ensure your program is polished and ready for launch?

    Would you like feedback on how your current program can be strengthened and improved?

    Do you want a review of your program from someone with Motherhood Studies subject matter expertise?

If you’re in the planning stage:

The Course Development Support Package

The Course Development Support Package is designed to take you from a general idea for a course or training, to a completed course outline ready to record and/or deliver within approximately 1 month.

This package will help you feel clear about your offering, who it is for, what Motherhood Studies content to include, and how to sequence and structure your program.

If you’re in the reviewing and revising stage:

The Course Audit Support Package

The Course Audit Support Package is designed for you if you have already created a course or training and seek expert feedback and guidance to refine and enhance your work. Within approximately 1 month, you’ll receive comprehensive feedback to ensure your program is robust, well-structured, and effectively incorporates Motherhood Studies content.

This package will help you feel confident and assured of your course’s quality and impact, providing actionable insights and recommendations to elevate and strengthen your work and its impact.

Planning Stage:

The Course Development Support Package

  • Editable Course Development Template: you’ll get an editable template to help guide you in creating a draft course outline

  • Course Plan Review: receive feedback on structure, content and mode of delivery

  • Learning Sequence & Structure Analysis: I’ll ensure your program follows a logical and effective sequence for the best learning outcomes

  • Specialist Feedback: assistance incorporating motherhood studies material and ensuring your content is robust and comprehensive

  • Additional Resources: where applicable, receive references to research that you can integrate into your material to strengthen your course content

  • Actionable Steps: receive clear, actionable steps to help you move forward in developing and delivering your program

  • Individualised Support and Feedback: you’ll have the opportunity to talk to Sophie via Voxer and hear answers to your questions and direct feedback on your program outline

How does it work? The 3 stages of

The Course Development SUPPORT Package

    1. You’ll first complete an onboarding questionnaire to help Sophie situate your work within mother-support

    2. You’ll then be given access to an editable google docs template to help you create a draft curriculum/outline of your offering. You’ll submit this to Sophie within 1 week of purchasing the package* (max 1,500 words)

    3. When you submit your draft curriculum/outline of your offering, you can also send Sophie a Voxer voice message up to 5mins explaining your outline and sharing any concerns or questions you have that you would like addressed.

      * timelines are there to provide you with accountability, but are flexible

    1. Sophie will review your onboarding questionnaire, your draft offering outline, and your Voxer message, and then will offer written feedback on your template. She will follow this up with a Voxer (voice) message up to 5mins clarifying feedback. This feedback will also include advice on learning sequence and structure, format, and delivery.

    2. You’ll then read and listen to the above feedback, and work to implement this feedback to strengthen your work and resubmit your curriculum/outline to Sophie within 2 weeks (flexible if need be).

    1. After you submit your revised course outline Sophie will then review this final document and offer in-text final suggestions, comments and recommendations to make your work as robust as possible. Where appropriate, you’ll be provided with research to strengthen your work.

    2. To finish, you’ll receive a summary of step-by-step instructions to support the implementation of feedback provided.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”

- Anaïs Nin

Reviewing and revising stage:

The Course Audit Support PackagE

  • Course Content Review: submit your written content (up to 1,500 words) for detailed feedback on your content matter

  • Lead Magnet/Sales Page Review: receive feedback and light copy-editing on an overview of your lead magnet and/or sales page for your course

  • Video/Audio Review: upload video or audio content to be reviewed and receive feedback on (additional cost of $200AUD per 30mins. This includes the content being listened to and reviewed through a Voxer message of up to 5mins per 30min of audio. You’ll also receive a collated written summary sheet of feedback on your content and delivery/facilitation)

  • Learning Sequence & Structure Analysis: receive feedback on the structure of your course, to ensure it follows a logical and effective sequence for the best learning outcomes

  • Specialist Feedback: ensure your content is robust and comprehensive, and incorporates relevant motherhood studies material

  • Light Copy Editing: minor corrections on the text of your curriculum and/or course sales page

  • Additional Resources: where applicable, receive suggestions for research to integrate into your material to strengthen your course content

  • Recommendations: receive recommendations for next steps to take to strengthen your course content, lead generator and/or your sales page

  • Individualised Support and Feedback: you’ll have the opportunity to talk to Sophie via Voxer and hear answers to your questions and direct feedback on your program

How does it work? The 3 stages of

The Course AUDIT SUPPORT Package

    1. You’ll first complete an onboarding questionnaire to help Sophie situate your work within mother-support, including your program sales page if relevant

    2. You’ll then be asked to provide a written course/program overview and summary of your offering structure and content. If you do not have an outline/summary, you’ll be instructed on how to develop this based on your existing content (max 1,500 words)

    3. Optional add on: upload video/audio content to be reviewed by Sophie (more details in the FAQ below)

    4. Along with your outline/summary of your offering, you can send Sophie a Voxer voice message up to 5mins speaking sharing any concerns or questions you have that you would like addressed.

    1. Sophie will review your onboarding questionnaire and your written course/program outline and summary of your offering, and any video/audio as applicable (if you’ve added this on)

    2. Sophie will provide in-text feedback on your written course overview, and follow this up with a Voxer (voice) message up to 5mins. You will be offered in-text final suggestions, light copy-writing, and comments and recommendations to make your work as robust as possible. Where appropriate, you’ll be provided with additional references to strengthen your work.

    3. You’ll also be provided with feedback about your program’s learning sequence and structure, format and delivery, and feedback on your lead generation idea and/or your sales page content.

    4. Optional add on: Sophie will watch/listen to your video/content program content and provide up to 5mins of Voxer feedback per 30mins of content. You’ll also be provided with a collated written summary sheet of feedback.

    1. You’ll read and listen to Sophie’s feedback, and have 2 weeks to ask any follow up questions either via email or a 5min Voxer message

How and why I can help?

I’ve been working on developing curriculum and programs for the last 11 years, starting out when I began teaching at The University of Sydney and supporting the development and teaching of undergraduate units of study in sociology. I taught and facilitated classes face to face for 5 years before moving into the world of online course development and teaching!

Since working in the motherhood-support space online I’ve created at least 10 online courses, bespoke group training experiences for both organisations and mothers’ groups, have created and delivered 50+ original one off webinars and workshops to mothers, and have facilitated over 200 live group classes. I’ve run programs in many different formats including live, as a mix of live and evergreen (self-study), as evergreen video content only, audio-only trainings via private podcasts, and programs utilising worksheets and email prompts.

On top of my lived experience in creating, delivering and experimenting with online learning and development, I’ve also mentored many mother-supporting professionals in the development of their online businesses, coursework, online trainings and group trainings. I’ve honed a sense of what works for different audiences, different cohorts of mothers depending on their stage of matrescence, the benefits and drawbacks of different delivery modes, and how to sequence a learning journey that is comprehensive and yet succinct and effective in delivering the intended training outcomes.

I share all of this to give you a sense of my experience and to hopefully offer you some evidence that you can trust me as a guide and mentor in this space because I’ve lived and breathed this work for a long time. In saying that, I think perhaps the most important part of this work is being flexible and open to change. At the heart of what we’re doing in the development of material, programs, and courses for mothers, is creative, social-justice oriented, advocacy and educational work that meets mothers where they’re at, with an aim to make a difference in their lived experience. This means we need to be adaptive, flexible, and open-minded in how we design and deliver our work.

You’ll be able to read elsewhere on my website about my style of mentorship and my educational and theoretical background. I’ve created the world’s first and only online training certification in Motherhood Studies, and while I have experience and expertise in a wide range of motherhood-related subjects, my areas of specialty include: the perfect mother myth, the social construction of motherhood, maternal anger, maternal guilt, maternal identity and sense of self, the experiences of mothers of children with disabilities, the care/career conundrum and mothers’ relationships with career and paid work, maternal ambivalence, good enough mothering theory (Winnicott), intensive mothering ideology (Hays), and the possibilities of empowered mothering (Rich & O’Reilly).


  • The timelines are there to support you in building momentum and meeting deadlines to have your course developed or reviewed completely within about a month. But I understand that ‘life happens’, so I’m happy to offer some flexibility within the package when it comes to the time-frames.

  • Your course curriculum draft, final version, or program outline should be no more than 1,500 words

  • I’ll do my very best to meet you where you need to be based on my analysis of your program outline. This may mean I provide in-text comments on every few sentences of your work, or I may provide more generalised comments on each paragraph.

  • Yes this is exactly what this package can help you with. You’ll receive an editable template to help you develop your program/training outline that I’ll then provide feedback on

  • No, you do need to come to the course development support package with a general idea in mind of what type of program you’d like to create and roughly who your target market is. This is your intellectual property and creative project, so while I’ll guide and support you, I won’t create and write the content for you.

  • I’m happy to do this as part of the video/audio upgrade option, yes. You just need to make sure that there isn’t anything in your course terms and conditions that would prevent you sharing the recordings with me for professional development purposes. Everything that I work with you on as part of the package remains confidential. I can watch your group recordings and provide feedback on both content and your teaching and facilitation style.

  • You’ll be sent through instructions about this when you sign up to a package. I can access your content either via secure file-sharing, or directly through your online learning platform if you have one.

  • You’ll be sent instructions on this when you sign up for a package. We use the free voice-messaging app Voxer, or if you’d prefer we can use an alternative such as Whatsapp

  • For these packages, I’m only working with people who have enroled in The Motherhood Studies Practitioner Certification, the 2 day Sociology of Motherhood Series, the Creators Course, were members of the Mastermind for Motherhood Visionaries, or who have completed business mentoring packages with me.


The Course Development Support Package


The Course Audit Support PackagE


ADD ON of video/audio content - $200AUD per 30 minutes, up to 10 hours of content (invoiced separately)