The ‘Fish Tank’ of Motherhood Model™

A model offering you a one-of-a-kind sociological approach for understanding Motherhood


Time-stamp descriptions

1-5 mins - Introduction and how I came to develop concept

5-6 mins - 3 distinctions to make when talking about Motherhood

6 - 8 mins - Entering into the 'social realm' of Motherhood

8 -10 mins - The rulebook of 'good motherhood'

10 -12 mins - What happens when we don't 'fit in' to the rulebook

12 - 21 mins - The Fish-Tank Model explained (graphic)

"a perfect mother is...."

21 - 24 mins - What can happen when we start to 'ram the tank' to create changes

24 - 28 mins - Are we in a Motherhood revolution? Why are we doing this work?

28 - 30 mins - 'Maternal thinking' as a practice - Ruddick

30 - 35 mins - Our power as mothers and those supporting mothers to disrupt and interrupt patriarchal patterns of Motherhood

35 -36 mins - What are the 'alternatives' to the current tank of patriarchal motherhood?

36 - 39 mins - My vision and purpose - The Motherhood Studies Practitioner Certification

39 mins - Thank you

The ‘Fish-Tank’ of Motherhood Model™


This training explains a model for understanding and conceptualising motherhood


This conceptual model was the major theoretical result of my PhD research.

The model is based on motherhood-as-hegemony, which I have adapted into the analogy of The ‘Fish-Tank’ of Motherhood Model™.

This is to offer a model that is most relevant, understandable, and usable for mothers and those who work to support mothers.


I explain the structure of motherhood as the tank

How individual mothers - the ‘fish’ - are placed within this structure and form identity

The cultural ‘water’ that we absorb through systems and socialisation

The act and practice of mothering, which is the ‘swimming’

This allows us to elevate the support offered to the individual mother when we understand the broader system of Motherhood she lives within.



The model of Motherhood offered in this free training is at the foundation of The Motherhood Studies Practitioner Certification - an online course taking you on a learning journey of maternal research, theory, and concepts designed for those passionate about revolutionising Motherhood. The next round beings May 22nd 2023.


Expanding our focus beyond the individual Mother to connect her experiences with broader social structures, opens possibility for revolutionary change - both personally and culturally.

Why do we need to integrate a sociological of understanding of motherhood into our work with mothers?

because Motherhood is different to mothering.

Mothers do their mothering within the context of Motherhood.

The social rules around Motherhood are the ones Mothers live their lives within.

These rules become embedded within our own lives, and in the systems, structures, and institutions that we live within.

without knowledge about the social system of motherhood we miss enormous opportunities for transformation, understanding, and change for mothers.

what is a ‘motherhood studies’ Sociologist?

Motherhood Studies is an area of study coined by Professor Andrea O’Reilly, providing an academic ‘home’ for research and writing on Motherhood, Mothering, and the experience of being a Mother.

Drawing on Motherhood Studies and decades of scholarship in this area, elevates our conversations, understandings, and teachings on Motherhood, and is critical for supporting Mothers themselves.

A Sociologist is a Social Scientist. Imagine a scientist in their science lab, studying a specimen under their microscope. Well a social scientist’s lab is our society. Our ‘specimens’ for study are individuals and groups. Our ‘microscope’ - our tools - are our theories, concepts, and methodologies that we use to help interpret and make meaning from our data.

A Motherhood Studies Sociologist is a social scientist who studies Mothers, Mothering and Motherhood.

I have spent 10 years researching Motherhood and have a PhD in Sociology specialising in Motherhood Studies from The University of Sydney. My passion and focus is in supporting those who work with mothers to develop, integrate, and adapt a sociological understanding of Motherhood into their businesses, careers, and professions.